Balancing a full time job, the passion to create my dream, and a personal life… It’s a challenge. Someone once told me to think of my life like the radar system that airline pilots use. As long as everything was in the same central area, you were good. It would fall into place in the way it needed to be. You would create balance.
One thing I’ve learned about myself as a leader is that I’m not much of a control freak. I want to make sure that everything works and that everything works in the way that I want and need it to. But as for the details, that’s why I ask the people I love for help. I’ve seen far too many businesses fail because there’s a lack of trust.
Some things are for forever. The way you feel about certain people, the way your work makes you feel when you’ve succeeded, and the way you know you just have to make your business work, because your happiness depends on it. These things don’t go away. They are you.
I like to remember that idea at times when I can’t seem to figure out how to go forward….but really? Everything isn’t just for "right now." And it’s taken 30 years for me to see that. Most things stay with us for a lifetime. And thank god, or whomever you believe in, for that. We’re all better people for the things that we can’t just simply kick out of our systems.
The world of Ella g is just starting…..if you want to come along for the ride, it’d be fabulous to have company. If you’d rather sit this one out, well, we'll miss you. Because I'm pretty sure Ella g is a forever thing.
xo, ella g
xo, ella g
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